Professional Development

Promote Go & Show Reflection


I used Power Point because it’s the same tool I used in 5305 to promote my ePortfolio initiative so although I had some practice, I feel that I needed more so I chose to continue working with PP. The end result has more tricks and transitions then I used in the first video while I used a different theme.

After watching this weeks videos featuring Nancy Duarte, I wanted to try and incorporate many of her tools and some from the video from David Phillips also. Some of the basic messages that I took away were to have short words/phrases, focus on an image with little to no words, and make sure that if I’m speaking that there is no writing or that they don’t overlap. So what I tried to do was speak as the images were popping up on the screen.

Going back to my first video on my ePortfolio initiative, Dr. Harapnuik told me to work on the audio portion so for this video I used some Beats studio headphones with a built in speaker and I must say they did the trick. I did not have to speak to the computer or figure out some weird audio system, the headphones already had the speaker in the audio jack line so once I worked on my volume I was all set.

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I’ve never been too good at speaking when it comes to recording myself so I wanted to make sure that what I was saying could be seen visually and that’s what I tried to accomplish in these three slides while keeping my wording short and sweet. In the first slide, I wanted to catch that emotion of what we all feel/think when we head to a PL before or after work. We’re tired, groggy, sleepy, exhausted from either the previous day or current day so capturing that feeling was important right off the back and getting the audience to see and feel.

With the second slide I think we can all relate to the mono-tone character from Ferris Bueller’s Day off and have seen this infamous scene. I love movie quotes and jokes so I though adding that element of funny could help make the audience laugh while still feeling what it’s like in a PL session.

Lastly with the third slide I wanted to continue following Duarte’s model where you show how it is, and then how it could be. I think PL’s would be much beneficial if we could collaborate, work together and have genuine fun in them. Thinking back to 5313 I believe, we talked a lot about how the idea of “play” and learning are important but do not incorporate them because they are childish actions, but according to “A new culture of learning” by Douglas Thomas and John Brown, play is one of the most important parts of learning.

I struggled for a while trying to figure out what to do and what message I’m actually sending, even the assignment is still confusing but I think I got the gist of it. I believe we were supposed to talk about why we feel the need to change PL sessions and persuade people to move over to the new style, while also showing them the need and how we will incorporate these ideas in a new PL session, which is what I offer with rolling out my innovation plan.

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By promoting the new PL idea and promotion my ePortofolio idea, I’m hoping that my audience can see that it isn’t just some presentation about needing change, but rather this can happen with this new PL opportunity and see it put into action.

I had the idea to directly talk about the 5 levels of PL, but after meeting with our group this past Tuesday, I realized that wasn’t the best way to go so instead I talked about how my PL would incorporate the 5 levels and put them into effect, how they would be ongoing, supportive, and customized to fit the needs of the teachers. My other inspiration was to simply see the change I want to see, and know that it has to come from somewhere and someone.

Not all of the PL’s we have are boring and I do understand that sometimes there will be a PL that must be sit and get, however I do feel like some of them are forced and definitely lack the “follow-up” portion. They are usually one time throughout the year, and are all stuffed with other information so it’s like multiple PL’s in one day when I feel like we don’t have to squish all information into one sitting because it gets lost along the way.

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Towards the end, I just wanted to make sure that the message and visual were simple. If we don’t make this change then we’re just stuck in our old ways. I wanted to sway them with the last image that it’s not a one-stop PL, it is one step at a time where we are building upon each session and building a puzzle together. Each person has their own unique pieces and together along the journey we will put all the pieces in the right spot.


Duarte, N. (2013). Resonate:Present visual stories that transform audiences. John Wiley & Sons. An online media version of Resonate can be accessed for free at!page0

Gulamhussein, A. (2013). Teaching the Teachers Effective Professional Development in an Era of High Stakes Accountability. Center for Public Education. Retrieved from

Thomas, D., & Brown, J. S. (2011). A new culture of learning: cultivating the imagination for a world of constant change.